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Healthcare reimbursement

There are two easy ways to request reimbursement for your healthcare expenses.


Healthcare Reimbursement Guide to submitting a request.

Login on the website to complete the online request form.

1 - Click on your name (top right) and select the "Dashboard"

2 - Click the box labelled "My Healthcare Requests". Check to make sure all your personal details are correct and then start to enter your receipts.

3 – You’ll need digital copies of your receipts and invoices. If you complete the form on your mobile phone, you’ll be able to use the phone’s camera to photograph the documents.

4 - Check you receive an email confirmation that your request has been submitted correctly.


1 – Download and complete a copy of the Marram Healthcare Request form.

2 – Attach original copies of invoices and receipts. The receipts should show the names of the medical practitioner and person treated, date of treatment and payment in full. Insurance certified copies are ok but unfortunately photocopies, faxes or unsupported EFTPOS receipts can’t be accepted.

3 – Post completed form and documentation to

Marram Community Trust

P O Box 24006

Manners Street


    Guidelines for healthcare requests

    Before making a healthcare request, ensure you're eligible to make a request and have everything you need to get started.

    Have you been part of the Marram community and contributing for at least 3 months? You can’t seek reimbursement for expenses incurred within the first 3 months.

    Reimbursement will only be granted for healthcare expenses where treatment was provided within the last 12 months.

    Please send original invoices and receipts.

    Check invoices and receipts clearly show

    • who received the treatment
    • the type of treatment
    • the date treatment took place
    • that full payment was made (invoices with PAID stamped is insufficent evidence of payment)

    Invoices and receipts can’t be returned after reimbursement has been paid. So please maintain your own records.

    If you have medical insurance e.g. with Southern Cross or nib, please lodge a claim with your insurer first. That way you can send Marram your insurer's remittance advice with your reimbursement request, asking Marram to top up amounts not paid by your insurer.

    Expenses for dependent children 18 years old or more can’t be reimbursed.

    Bank account details are required every time you make a request to ensure Marram has up to date details to make payments by direct credit.

    If posting a healthcare request form, it must be signed by the Marram beneficiary.

    GP’s and specialists must be registered on the NZ Medical Council ‘s medical register.

    All reimbursements are made at the absolute discretion of the Board of Trustees

    Reimbursement of healthcare expenses, once accepted, will be deposited directly into your bank account.

    Marram tries to pay within 10 days of receiving your request, usually on a Wednesday or Friday.